Reminders for AO (Part 2)

How dare you ?

The strength and duration of Sandy’s blind


Dear god

ah that’s fine then, i don’t want sand to be op, the only reason i use it is because it’s not op

i remember that, he lied about vetex removing the best magics in the game

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im hoping it looks great visually i make might a crocodile build if theres a hook skin for claws

Sand > shadow @anon82052662

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thats actually a good idea a hook as one of claws types

Poison > every magic :astonished:

Ngl being able to enfulf an island with poision at level 1000 sounds cool as heck

How dare you ?

How dare I what *speak the truth? *

Acid Magic is better then shadow :person_shrugging:

every magic = every other magic
There. Now let’s not waste the last 400 replies with and argument about which magic is better.



Or like a hook arm fighting style that can get upgraded into like a magic cyborg one


Most w opinion
Slash > every other magic


i think gravity magic will be pretty cool, related to space and it might slow