Reminders for AO (Part 2)

(off topic) art has gone up in my moderator tierlist

(on topic) I wonder how created techniques for fighting styles would work

would they be like customizable size/power like magic or would it be more specific

(Off Topic) Oh, Congrats! Are there any specific Arts you enjoy?
(On Topic) Has anyone found any pictures of whitesummit?

(off topic) fish, I will ratio you on discord

(on topic) the white summit is probably a white summit (mountain)

Fighting style techniques are mostly focused on animations but they also have options like knockback, amount and stuff

magic customization was pretty baseline so do you think vetex’ll add more base customization options?

like not from lost spells or anything but just the base magic editing

i think this is not what Cryo meant, your still just using this as general chat

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Ooh, what if he added a way for us to adjust the length and power of the status effects that get applied?
Like, making the status effects longer for less damage, and vice versa?

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no. if a status effect like burning lasts longer there would be no point to make it shorter since its overall more damage.

I don’t think these should be customizable, but the intensity stat does affect status effect damage/duration I’m pretty sure

Oh, wack

Always check the forum on the end of the day and see shit happen (im talking about this thread so its not off topic dont ban pls)

It affects duration

Fuck the website is already breaking

“Post #10197

Was bound to happen. Hopefully it’ll at least take a while now until Part 3.

it counts split posts in the topic url

Even with this new dictature rule there’s only 240 ish repies left, so I think at most in 3 or 4 days Part 3 will be atteined, even maybe tonight if people don’t see your message

Farewell Reminders for AO 2

Well, hopefully when scrolling through they’ll see the bright orange mod color.

bruh @Cryonical

I see, i’m just giving people a bit to adjust then i’ll start enforcing it.