Reminders for AO (Part 2)

175 morr


Considering ar/aa’s cannon fist only has 1 skill, i’m curious what vetex will do with it, i assume a warlock could throw magic-infused cannonballs for example

Yea it’s probably going to be magic-infused cannonballs for warlock

Also we do have an idea for what 1 skill will be since vetex said that the idea for the shot skill would be that cannonball fist would throw a cannonball instead of punching the air (it’s nothing special but it’s a basic idea for what the style is going to be like)


Imagine using two cannon balls and hitting the opponent’s head point blank
Like this lol

my cannonballs are heavy


Hope it comes in different colors in game.



Finally we can grip on big balls for fighting styles

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Two changes on the card

v1.9.178 has been published

Honestly, I imagine this the idle when using cannon fist

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Kinda the pose which the cannon fist mentor had in AA but ok

Vetex is litteraly speedrunning Fighting Styles, i was off for some time and BOOM, cannon fists

How glad are you that we can grip balls now


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That’s cool that it does more damage to ships
Can’t wait to see the rest of the fighting styles!

I knew it bruh

FIghting styles are now more viable for taking on ships than magic… not a turn I thought would be taken.