Reminders for AO (Part 3)

Wonder if we can make like a substitution log or something with wood magic +^+
Can you imagine making a shadow clone as a dodge reflex? Naruto dreams come true

IG All we have left is the Fighting Styles and Weapons(?)

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Interesting that solid magics are different. The only other time that was the case was the WoM high jump spells

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yes and we can all agree solid magic high jumps were abhorrently glitchy back then


wom space program


5 posts were split to a new topic: Leviathan Boss

wind mages:

on my way to grab the promethean fire curse

Does this mean we can finally reach 10k+ messages here?



I just realized that these dodge reflexes for weapons are probably going to take ages depending on if they’re based on the weapon’s type (i.e. Katana, Thrusting, etc.)

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I mean he could just make different general effects to apply to multiple weapon types, like a slashing effect for bladed weapons or smth

probably just gonna be slow, average, fast again



I guess all weapon types have the same effect?

The fact that this bug existed, made me think that the new dodge is basically a mid air dodge just like a leap spell

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Nevermind, got my ass handed to me.

I’m guessing this is just meant for all stat builds to have more horizontal mobility?

This must be the mobility addition that got the distance on mobility skills nerfed in the first place huh

what really sticks out to me is the term “reflex” though

we know that it’s imbued with our offense type, and the fact it has something to do with reflexes makes me think it’s something u can initiate in a short window before or after being attacked

this could be like parrying, but instead of a perfect block it could be a perfect dodge. imbued with ur path of offense possibly with different affects based on that

Imma be real I think this is just a fancy way to say mid air dashes that consume energy

Mostly from it being called imbued dodges/reflex ability

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