Reminders for AO (Part 3)

So glad that the starter island is no longer the most dangerous island out of combat

i remember seeing not 1, not 2 but 3 lv1 getting struck by lightning and get the badge at the same time lmao

and all 3 of them left the game after that, lmao





6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Dark Sea sneaks


600 robux…man…

thats hella cheap

well at least you can switch it mid combat, thats good enough for me

ofc… still have the potential problem of someone running away while low on health and wait til they are out ò combat and switch to, say, full defense build to heal faster before switching back to their meta build and kill you

then again, if you’re staying around long enough for tuem to do that then thats kinda your fault ig

Looks like its time to go beg for some robux again :melting_face:

I can barely even finish one files build yet, hopefully by or within the start of the dark sea update I’ll be able to max jewelcrafting on my main but still I probably won’t buy it.

Isn’t there’s a radial combat tag

the what

If someone who has poster of you is in certain area from you, you both are put in combat

It’s not too different from just popping a strong healing potion, especially a T4-T5 one with the Dark Sea, don’t need to be out of combat for that

I don’t think people switching to Agility build with the gamepass makes any difference either, you can either just pop an agility potion or leave when the combat log goes away

Speaking of healing potion, a perfect tier 3 already heals like 700+ health, imagine tier 5

only if both users are above 500k renown

Actually the hunted most be over 500k and the hunter most have at least 1/4 of the hunted’s renown, so a 130k can tag a 500k, but a 600k can’t tag a 4mil

“switch it mid combat”
