Reminders for AO (Part 3)

I gave up


I’m surprised the new Rare Spell isn’t finished yet. I’m guessing it’s either very unique or complex relative to Pulsar and Javelin (like maybe it has a lot more customization options in the edit menu), or maybe Vetex is preoccupied with something else, like investigating the fling issues caused by the Roblox update.

I hope it’s good


Was anti-cheat added? What’s this about

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Reminders discussion

Yes, now we can use microsoft store to finally transfer items like in good old times

My headcannon:

One of the roblox devs is playing AO through microsoft store, and when he saw Vetex disabling microsoft store version of ao, they were like “OKAY BOYS, WE NEED TO ADD ANTI-CHEAT! For unrelated reason…”


honestly wouldn’t be surprised

especially if its moderation ( those guys never seem to do their job right )

Sometimes I doubt moderation even exist on Roblox

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We won’t check it tho


10 posts were split to a new topic: Statuses now refresh on hit


Oh and this :yawning_face:


surge, from what i’m guessing could either be:

  • better aura spell (super lame)
  • a type of movement spell (not too bad for mages honestly!)
  • perhaps a movement and AoE around the user (Kinda lame and annoying to face)

considering vetex took atleast 2 days to make that spell, it won’t be simple

The Surge spell must be something special with unique synergies to the environment/player, It can’t be just a simple move like a simple special blast or a movement-type spell…

Might be the first spell that wasn’t mentioned on the early rare spells ideas.

i mean we don’t exactly know what javelin does either, we’re mostly going off descriptions of old lost spells for that one too

Yeah betting it’s just aura but shorter in length in exchange for better stats

def doesn’t sound like it, the one for aura as a lost spell was called “transform” iirc