Reminders for AO (Part 3)

We got a teaser for how javelin looks and the person with it has lightning on them, and iirc, auras aren’t available for second magics, so therefore it’s more likely sailor fist’s effect

“it wouldn’t fit my cope so it wouldn’t make sense” :nerd_face:

Shut up, here’s a bug fix


Bro all these replies and 1 bug fix…

What? It’s not cope, I’m literally saying it’s illogical based on Vetex’s plans. The purpose of Rare Spells/Techniques is for there to eventually be more of them than there are skill slots, so players will have to choose which ones to use and which to not use. This is to increase build variety. If there are no Rare Spells/Techniques for hybrids added, then only pure builds will get this variety, while hybrids are stuck being all the same. Most of the playerbase mains hybrid builds, so the game wouldn’t be much closer to Vetex’s vision. It would be better for Vetex to gradually add pure-exclusive and hybrid-useable rare abilities over time, so that no class is falling behind.

(Also, how do I reply to someone in a new topic so we don’t argue in reminders? Edit: Nevermind, I figured out how, if this conversation continues I’ll move it to a different topic.)

But like. Early Access. If Vetex wasnt going broke this wouldnt be a problem. The game aint finished, you can only blame yourself for playing while theres lack of content/glitches. Now some things obviously need changes but this is somethiny slated to change in the future.

Hybrids should know the cost of being a hybrid. You dont get things handed to you as fast. Level cap will go up, things will change. The game is not finished, because things like Arcanium Weapons, Artisan, Magics, and more are not in. The game is not going to stop u-

Thats the point where I just gave up. I dont want to be mean im just tired. Not of you guys just tired today

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Here’s a closer look on the Dragonfire Carronades that me and @ins cooked


WHOA that’s amazingly detailed!

Damn that is cool as hell!

I hope that all these crazy good models end up in AO at some point.

Considering this one made it to AO, im sure beyond this they will

wait it DID???

This is what they look like firing.

this feels like a scripted event

Inventory Dragonfire Carronades

it did not at all occur to me that those cannons don’t look like the rest of the cannons ingame beyond having a dragon head.


It’s someone’s boat…

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I can’t wait to use these. NO I SERIOUSLY CANT WAIT!

the behind the scene of the dragonfire carronades