Reminders for AO (Part 3)

So… what changed???

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I just assumed that dodge reflexes always only worked in the air

My assumption is that Reflex Dodges could be used on the ground outside of combat. And when in combat they’re only usable in the Air now.

We’ll simply just have to wait and see though.

they used to be usable on the ground while in combat but now you can only use them in the air no matter if youre in combat or not

6 posts were split to a new topic: Selino and Javelin on hybrids


Vetex usually adds reactions related to the content of the patch notes, and for this he chose a crescent moon…

And guess what “Selene” means, a similar word to Selino?
This definitely seems like some lunar-related technique. Maybe it sends you sky-high, thus “going to the moon.”

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booo, be optimistic

you forget about fishing rod progression and the other tagged things

yeah man that shit will take 10 years def

wait hammer progression??? omg the hammer will be usefull???

(imma be honest i forget the hammer is even a thing 99% of the time)

So, currently what the Dark Seas Update will bring to the current paths are:

  • 2 Rare Spells for Mages.
  • 2 Rare Techniques for Berserkers.
  • 2-4 Wep Types getting 3rd Wep Skills for Warriors. (We still dunno which Wep Types and the # probably going to be 2 tbh.)
  • 1 Rare Spell and 1 Rare Technique for Warlocks. (lumped w/ 2 things like pure paths.)
  • 1 Rare Spell or 1 Rare Technique for Savants. (Totally didn’t forget u guys exist.)
  • 1 Rare Spell for Conjurers and Paladins.
  • 1 Rare Technique for Juggernauts.
  • 1 Rare Technique for Warlords.
  • 0 new things for Knights. (Aside from some small nerfs, dang.)

Sad day to be a Knight player, at least the Dark Sea will satisfy my PvE side. .

Well, its enough for me knight to have my trusty greataxe, and Im sure I will get over 4k defense next update, ik its already possible with aura or focus, but Im reaching the highest permanent hp, not that temporary

If you aren’t in combat you won’t have instant tp dodges

My honest reaction as a Knight player:

Huh? This change doesn’t affect anything outside of combat.

It used to be like this:

Now you always dash regularly on the ground, you can’t use Dodge Reflexes out of the air in any circumstances.

I really hope that this is something I can toggle.
I’d like to use dodge reflexes 100% of the time both in and out of combat.

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