Selino and Javelin on hybrids

Rare Technique for hybrids! :partying_face:


Nobody paying attention to this?
This is learnable by level 50.

My guess Javelin is as well

Wait maybe the javelin shape was just in preparation for higher levels, it may not be unlocked for us yet but still coded (or maybe dark sea enemies can use it)

i think it’s more likely that javelin will be usable by hybrids with pures currently having more customisation with it including shapes

That is also a possibility

Hybrid uses javelin
Mage: “Huh? You call this a javelin? Ha ha ha! Let me show you REAL javelin.”


150 Weapon Conjurer haters when Javelin is Magic Req 100 (under the assumption its also 100 like Selino)

this is so true

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Could Selino be a more advanced grab?

Axe-slash 2.0?

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me when I send a mage that airstalls higher into the sky:

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vetex was pretty fast. anyone wanna bet if dark sea is out before the 25th?


demon slayer ass attack

100 strength. So savants could get it?


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yup, also any strenght hybrid can

There’s no way this update is coming out before October unless he pushes back a few features like he did with Fort Castrum and random-spawning shipwrecks.

all thats left is fishing rod and hammer progression and the ######