Reminders for AO (Part 3)

any reason to have stuff on your deck when you lose less?

I didn’t expect vetex to add anything like this, pretty nice.

So the Dark Sea could be made instanced now?

I assume the way it’ll be done is you have the sea you’re in with the dark sea connected to it.

So cargo runs between Redwake to Idontknowwhatthefinalislandisgonnabe are possible
Prepare for the 20 minutes cargo run

8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Fake leaks and stuff

i really hope it will. So much more performance (and no gankers)


Beginning of the nimbus story development?


noooo i only got half of it

Morden will be even hungrier now
even tho he technically doesn’t need to eat since he is an elemental curse user

Time to play file #13 for two lines of dialogue

Actually #7

Can’t wait for mfs to do massive cargo runs through multiple sea clusters

Main reason why vetex didn’t do it before was because he couldn’t find a way to store chests but since he figured it out ig

There better be a badge for this


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Nimbus Sea Trello Patch Notes

New patreon post dropped
Supporters go check it

All I see is ships

I had a feeling he was gone for a few days cause he was actually building an island


the ideal