Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Yeah. If the dialogue changes also makes Morden already awake by the time MC gets back, I’ll let it off the hook.

But if he was asleep for more than a week, that he didnt get to meet Warren, that’s where I’ll really call it sus. Either Morden really was dreaming abt something important, the Death Curse affecting his sleeping schedule, or Vetex tried to keep him from meeting Warren. Maybe all three. But def not normal.

Oh you’re in the tanky brig gang too?


So it begins…


Guessing right now it’ll be some forest island akin to windrow or a weird desert forest hybrid

“How much time did it took?”
“Three days”

Update: I don’t know how the fuck I’m gonna make it back.

dawn island 2: the electric boogaloo??

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i just played ao a few hours ago
1 server
extremely hostile
in a span of 20 minutes my boat got sunk 5 times (it was at full hp before) and i got spawnkilled 10 times
if the lvl cap is going to be increased, chances are im even more likely to get spawned

Kid named switch server:

That is why i switched to empty servers pal. They are very calm and full of loot

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Having to switch servers due to a toxic community is not a good look but the option is there i can agree


The game the exact moment I try to do that: “Restrcted place”


naw that would kinda suck

I keep trying but half of the empty servers give me this restricted message

Explain to me how the dark seas wouldn’t benefit from this with how bad servers can get

forget how the dark seas would benefit, imagine how the main game would benefit.

the problem with making the dark sea an entire separate thing is that it would just complicate how you enter and exit it.

If you choose not to enter the separate world, what then? do you just sail in nothingness?

The dark sea compass also relies on the closest sea to you being able to be locatable, if it just points you to the nearest wall of nothing then it will just be kinda stupid.

Also, when you die in the dark sea, what would happen? Does it just kick you from the server and send you to the highest level sea? That would become way more time consuming and downright annoying after a while.

we don’t really know if the second awakening is at lvl 250 or 260 though

Taken from the trello, which is worked on by vetex himself.