Reminders for AO (Part 3)

The moment when they got paralyzed from charging their magic on Dawn island?

no idea, just remember that sometimes ago lightning users could get paralyze when charging while being soaked

arcane odyssey: the realism update



9 posts were split to a new topic: Bruh fish demon


Well… This is a bit awkward…

Our ‘self-imposed jobs’ are ‘being taken over’ by the man himself.

Jokes aside this does make knowing the latest patch notes a lot faster and easier in a sense since Vetex himself can just post trello updates when he’s done w/ it.

Does bring in the funny position of potentially defeating the purpose of the threads we’ve been doing but not every person is gonna be in the Discord. Plus we’re just going to discuss patch notes on here anyways so not much change.

Rip to my fellow trello stalkers/semi stalkers.

(Yes i use discord light mode, the other blue themes make names in my group servers too dark/invisible and i don’t like it. Flashbang immunity.)

still doing it

Vetex is taking your jobs!!!

Same, not every person i interact w/ whether it be the AO guild im in or the friend group server im in are in Vetcord or check trello consistently.

doing it here is also good for some discussion

Huh, this feels weird.

Please, I hope this thread doesn’t die. That Vetex Discord server is kind of toxic.

It won’t die, dev update bot has existed for a while yet people still posted dev updates here. I can’t remember if the trello bot has existed for a while or not but they’re usually slower than this thread

no that was actually vetex, check vetcord

he means the bot that posts dev updates to other servers every time vetex updates the channel


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Wouldn’t that make sure that these people go out of a job

nah the bot’s really slow