Reminders for AO (Part 3)

probably shipwrecks or Fort Castrum

Spirit weapons are like spirits: They donā€™t exist


Poison gel metal
400 damage blast becomes 800

they arent coming until after nimbus

Classic ash/fire gel with explosion and vice-versa

Ice/snow gel with water or wind and vice versa here too

awesome mentioned poison gel w/ metal

Gale pulsar maybe

Oh, i havenā€™t checked the trello in awhile

not on trello

I wonder what will happen to the bronze sea explorers when this gets released


We got the badge still

i sure hope it has a secret and no treasure charts to discover

Ah, so he was cooking an island for 3 days

I wonder how big it is

Iā€™m thinking itā€™s small, he couldā€™ve been taking a break or going slow


Yeah, probably

Iā€™m assuming this island is located in the top left corner of the map thatā€™s just empty space

Honestly if itā€™s a huge island I hope itā€™s really fun to explore, though some time I think Vetex said there would be an alchemist NPC near dawn island? Can somebody confirm this?

Though, Iā€™m fine with it being relatively small.

He said there should be one at the cavern or smth

I think this was changed since now theres a potion quest at sailorā€™s lodge instead. I think it being at sailorā€™s lodge is better because more people would then get to learn about potions since itā€™s a story related island too

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Hol up what?

Revamped how I wonder? Thereā€™s not much space in the area around Palo town to make the island that much bigger, unless a bunch more islands were shifted around.

They couldā€™ve also made the island area bigger