Reminders for AO (Part 3)

Well damn, I thought we’d have a choice but only get one not literally have them all at once

Hopefully we get a winterveil banner eventually, for the Cryonical drip


unlockable through a neviro quest

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that is very cool, however we wont have piles because the brig is 20K galleons


mobile bounty hunting on a decked out warship, i think im going to revive celestial on that update

Brig is going to be a must have now, literally need it or you’ll be at a major disadvantage.

the first few ships are designed to basically just be direct upgrades i think, they’ll diversify later in the game

pls do its so dead rn :frcryin:

Mobile bounty hunting though is going to be insane

Why is there a bounty board inside the brig. What the heck. I’m not a fan of this, renown things in general aren’t fun to see.


God damn bruh, what’s next we can buy from any merchant anywhere by having a brig?


I mean I can see a quartermasters that have functions like the forge upgrading, tailor changing character, etc but not a full on merchant (watch vetex add one within like 4 patch notes)

so the :b:rigate is just a town but mobile?

there isn’t a blacksmith to upgrade armor at so not really

And later on most towns are gonna have “culture weapons” that are only buyable at the island, kind of like doom island from AA, so that would add more usage to normal islands compared to a captain’s cabin


blacksmith quartermaster when


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This thing is a tank


this update is gonna be so funny when every leaderboard badrep player cry about the brig assault at higher notoriety