Reminders for AO (Part 3)

you realize that the larger spread would probably not be so big as to make it detrimental

howitzer gang, I love more damage!




Can we have sock as the official patch note guy (even more so than now), I just realized I only need to check reminders when I see sock’s pfp since he is so quick with it

when new max level RAHH

dear god that amount of mortars

savants at level 126 obtaining godlike power

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damn, sock went offline just barely too soon


Can’t wait for this to create a memory leak somehow

i hope we make a big red X over every kingdom we demolish to some extent

we aint doing anything extreme, just regicide!

Another one for the collection

How many there are already?

  • Warlock m1’s memorly leak
  • ???

i just got a sudden gut feeling that the brig is gonna be super laggy for a couple hours

Bro imagine if the first legendary ship is Ruby Rodger and his 300k hp sailboat :skull:


I remember seeing someone say there was a memory leak in brewing and jewelcrafting, but I have no idea if that’s true.

I’ve been waiting for this


fr and he’s gonna use the Ruby variant of crystal magic :fire:

thatd be lame tbh, me means to be a reference to roger from one piece so hed probably use weapon ( and maybe fighting style )