Reminders for AO (Part 3)

mega structure.

Is that like an underwater structure or an island?

We’ll just have to sea what it is when the dark sea drops

What if AA is the dark sea with how broken it is

underwater structures were specified during the update they were added to be underwater, this definitely seems like an island of some type

Does this mean that the Mimhere Island is finally real?

We shall find out…

Nice, an immersion feature. It makes sense that we wouldn’t be able to repair our armor or properly mend our wounds while in the midst of the treacherous and desolate dark seas.

Does anybody else notice that the patch notes have had an unusual amount of typos lately? I hope Vetex is getting enough sleep :cold_sweat:
Or (good ending), he’s so excited about working on the Dark Sea that he writes the notes rushedly to get back to work.

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i don’t think this is a typo, i think it means that the ocean type is unique even to the dark sea’s already unique ocean

I’m assuming he is just playing around pretending to get increasingly more insane because of the dark sea


That’s also what I thought at first, but something about it just feels… Weird.

yknow, I’m sort of thinking this may be deliberate

What if everything is deliberate, because everything needs to be secretive?

maybe it’s some code?

you need insanity 3 to read the code!

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oh we’re going far far huh

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Tf is a Kilometer

1000 meters

so 1000 of the unit we see on markers

from the northern jaws to rasna its about 6 kilometers maybe a bit less

or 2.5 minutes of travel with a 113 speed ketch