Reminders for AO (Part 3)



by saying he wont reveal lore or names or loot he just revealed that there will be lore and names and loot

we know everything now


The great resurgence of activity


I’m guessing they’re either:

I say Keraxe because we’ve heard that they’re colonizing parts of the Dark Sea, as they don’t really have anywhere else to expand their territory to (until we nuke the Bronze Sea’s government of course).

probably both

Bring it back :pensive::pensive::sob:

10 ft tall Viking man fighting strange magic infused aliens in the dark sea :fire:

Redwake ships that are still doing sharkar pls? :pray:

Why are the clans next.
Fixing Deckhands and adding spirit weapons should be more important but he’s reinforcing a pvp feature.


deckhands fix are a side thing, so they will maybe come with the update, the update name really represents the biggest feature of it, it doesn’t main nothing else will be in it

Deckhands really are something of side content. But keep in mind, clans are heavily PvP based, as most ways to get infamy are related to fighting players.

What I want Vetex to do is try and reinforce some other features of the game instead, like adding spirit weapons which I’ve been wanting to see added for a really long time.

if I wanna be brutally honest I doubt spirit weapons are coming this year

lettuce of course it won’t just be only clan features with absolutely nothing else

I agree, if I remember right, weapon skills took a few months, so we can expect Spirit Weapons to be similar (once they start being developed). And I doubt the Dark Sea will be ready until October at the earliest.

Bit optimistic to think they will get released within the next 8 years actually

theres no way the dark seas will take 3 months :skull:

First chapter of nimbus story

Doesn’t the bronze sea have 5 chapters :skull::skull_and_crossbones::headstone:

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I meant the Dark Sea Update as a whole, not just the Dark Sea itself.

the dark sea update as a whole is just the dark seas