Reminders for AO (Part 3)

i hope 2x more drops

there is 2x more drops

oh, right

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I havenā€™t seen weapons be mentioned, so probably not

u can also spell w a r d e n with the second group of hashtags :man_standing:

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It just feels so nice seeing savants getting gutted :heart_eyes:


Wtf do they mean ā€œgetting higher than full buildsā€???

Also werent we always at tier one why tf are we getting nerfed we arenā€™t even PLACEABLE in the meta rn :sob:

first glance i thought this was the skill cost reduced, welp

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A savant with 149 in one stat would have a higher than intended tier due to savants lowered stat requirements

So they go and nerf the entire classā€¦?


Tiers, like ā€˜Rookie, Apprentice, Noviceā€™ etc?

At least I thinkā€¦

I hopeā€¦

It specifies spells, techniques, and weapon skills

whats even the point of that savant isnt even meta?

first there was the dumb acid buff and now thereā€™s this

what the hell is happening with the balance team

It says so on the patch note. With certain stat allocations, savant moves could be better than they are supposed to be

that wasnā€™t us, that was patreon people complaining

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wait patreon supporters can balance the game?!??!

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