Reminders for AO (Part 3)

wtf they being hella stupid

if they ask for an acid size buff then i demand a fire speed buff so fire wonā€™t be crept completely.

I think we should buff wood guys just because yes :baby:

they complained and vetex prob adjusted so theyā€™d shut up
either way this change is stupid and should be adjusted


ngl thatā€™s kinda dumb why would you give in like that

Wonder if said Patreon People has Savant Files that abuses lower tiers to begin with :thinking:

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I freaking agree fire and glass donā€™t deserve this bro
Acid was good already, if the low size forced a little skill ceiling

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wait there was an acid buff? where can I see this (me acid conjurer :stuck_out_tongue: )

acid got a size buff from 1.0x ā†’ 1.1x

Its now even more like fire, the only thing different is that fireā€™s DoT is shorter while acid has a bit higher impact damage

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sweet, I was already killing with current acid stats, I can feel the AOE demon within me grow stronger, shining cycle spam for the win

As if shura needed another buff smh

I think they just nerfed unlocks for awakening and for weapons.

ngl itā€™s kind of dumb to give the jack of all trades class higher tiers than pure tiers

Today I learned that thereā€™s no Venn Diagram between a YouTuber balancing a game and a Patreon chat balancing your game. Itā€™s just a circle.

patreon members are just normal vetcordians who happen to have some money laying around

as for me, i stole my moms credit card so i am different :mariomug:

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nvm somehow balance team decided to one up this with a worse idea


effectively destroys me and noobers 120 magic savants

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effectively making savant the worst class in the game

I donā€™t see how this is bad for savant.

id prefer 50% but sure
i mean specialised savants are the only reason savants ever got nerfed, they are bringing the whole build down due to the mere fact that they exist. obviously that kind of change would replace the latest change to tiers if it does happen, and if anything itd justify lowering the requirements for tiers or second magic/fighting styke skills even more than before

Specialized savant is really the only way to run savant because of the huge gaps of skills that arenā€™t good for savant at all, limiting it by making it 40% gets you a bunch of stuff thatā€™s barely usable as savant