Reminders for AO (Part 3)


1 hour minimum yikes
Imagine how long it took to sail there using a brig that doesn’t have maximum speed
And don’t even start on the trip back to the bronze sea

Far Reaches is like the third area right? It says round trip on the Trello thing meaning it’s to that area and back to the bronze sea.

which just makes me cringe at the thought of sailing back after an hour with sealed chests galore and just running into Fort Talos.

far reaches is tier 3 - tier 5 insanity iirc



3+ so it includes the 6th range too

It’s still not much better rn tbh, now it’s ~5.6 minutes each range which adds up to ~28 minutes of sailing to get to 5th range and ~56 minutes round trip from 5th range minimum. Only going to 3rd range is still ~17 minutes to get there and ~34 minutes round trip minimum.

Dark Sea really is gonna be a commitment huh?

yeah I think its like

Closer Dark Sea Ranges
range 1 - 0 insanity
range 2 - 1 insanity
range 3 - 2 insanity

Far Reaches
Range 4 - 3 insanity
Range 5 - 4 insanity
Range 6 - 5 insanity, untravellable


I think this is good, getting to the far reaches shouldn’t be easy considering there will be more loot and larger islands the farther you go in, as well as more stronger enemies I assume. This would make it more of a high risk high reward commitment when going far into the dark sea.

Yeah I agree it shouldn’t be easy but damn a whole hour+ required without logging once, people with jobs gonna get a Dark Sea run a day without killing their sleep schedule.

I guess I’m just comparing it too much to Starscape

I mean the time for a round trip was basically halfed already at max speed on a brig

20% less distance is not basically halved.

I won’t drag this on anymore to prevent a split, I was just pointing out much you still need to sail with the fastest boat possible so far

I said the time was halved, not the distance

You said it was ~34 minute to do a round trip minimum with no stops to get to the far reaches compared to it being about an hour minimum just to reach the far reaches, which is very close to being half that time.


-forbidden deluxe iron helmet, 2023.

I like insanity

I like the silly voices


That’s an interesting thing, how tf does a 20% decrease nearly half the time when 7 x 3 x 2 is 42 (far from an hour) while 5.6 x 3 x 2 is 34 minutes…

Did vetex include traveling through the fourth range or is the hour just a big round up

or is it?

7 minutes, 4 ranges = 28 minutes, double that and we get nearly an hour

replayability mfs when they actually have to play the game:


But if we’re talking about REACHING the fourth range you only use 3 due to only needing to go through 3 ranges to get to the Far Reaches

so 21 minutes for one trip and 42 minutes for a round trip… huh not that close to an hour


probably unrelated but i just remember that Vetex said he isnt the best at math

joke aside probably just some rough round up ( incase you meet enemies, weather, sea monsters or smt maybe )

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