Reminders for AO (Part 3)

Today is the day of another balance-cord war.


Never understood what was wrong with balancecord when inferno deleted the first server but now I did and I left it

Balancecord is mostly just a toxic echo chamber of the same dumb opinions. Like why do they disagree with me when I want to deny acid a size buff, and acid has good stats already?

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Nah if we’re going to the epicenter already it’s Joever (we are dying then and there) :sob:

NOOOO THEY PATCHED IT :sob: literally 1984 wtf

Fellow warden enjoyer it seems :sunglasses:

This image gives me hope

it could be worse


they could buff thermo warlord at any moment and we’d be helpless against the change…

did they really nerf sunkens?

current nerf is -33% size, but no defense loss

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Well . . Crap.

At least it’s feasible to have 250+ Magic size but it still stings. .

thanks to the new formula, size above 100 will be buffed, so you’re actually gaining size from this update, even with the -30



These people are doing the most questionable things right now I swear

Buffing acid’s size almost to a point where it’ll directly outclass fire and glass, random flying slash and piercing Gale changes, now this

this is questionable i agree

flying slash already has crazy range, halving it wont affect it much because youre not gonna predict 20 kilometer shots, i would say its a buff even because of the startup reduction
piercing gale was hilariously busted, they made it more punishable and the base damage nerfs for weapon should reduce its damage (also imbue nerfs so conjurers wont deal massive damage with pgale while having a low damage magic like light or lightning which are mainly the problem with pgale, you dont see anyone complaining about pgale with a slow magic/fstyle)


but it’s also inadvertently nerfing any build below 100

its more like 80+ to prevent people from running stuff like 30 size 30 speed and 30 agility to gain a good boost out of the stats with almost no commitment

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I hope one day, in the distant future, we see land-based monsters rarely upon these islands. I know Vetex is not going to make non-humanoid enemies anytime soon, but late game AO having some true land-based monsters would be awesome.

well it shouldn’t make such a build COMPLETELY useless.

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it doesnt youll just gain less benefits from having your stats spread like that, most builds that run those type of stat spreads usually have like 70 power and 800+ defense anyways

