Reminders for AO (Part 3)

Can’t wait for lvl 80 npcs to spawn on frostmill when there are new players doing the story there.

Ah shit now you bring it up you’re kind of right, islands may simply be too small for stuff like that as then players doing the story quest could get mogged.

Honestly idk about third skills if we’re just getting two, depending on the weapons voted for it could be two weapons that have kinda bad skills already getting another skill that we won’t know if they’re good or not, or two good weapons get it and we get pretty unvaried warrior builds

Rapier’s two skills are good already, now imagine ti with an even better third skill

Same goes for sabre and scimitars, those could break the game if given the right skills too

Honestly I’d rather wait for nimbus for third skills since all of them would come with the update


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We destroyed WOM only for it to come back in AO :smiling_imp: Overall, sounds good for extra exp with the leveling slumps. The Island Status idea is just ship farming heaven for me

For the Rare Weapons vs 3rd Weapon Skills, I feel like 3rd Weapon Skills wouldn’t be as impactful as Rare Weapons BEFORE Nimbus Sea, because only Warriors can use 3rd Skills atm. Rare Weapons has a chance of being usable by Hybrids, but unless Vetex lowers the weapon skill requirement, only Warriors could use 3rd Weapon Skills this update

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This is cool but could be laggy as hell though

You’re right, I completely forgot about that, if 3rd weapon skills get added instead then that will leave weapon hybrids with no Rare Weapons while strength and magic hybrids will have Rare Spells and Rare Techniques, which wouldn’t be fair. I just changed my vote because of this (not like it’ll matter since Rare Weapons are already winning by over 10x). I’m pretty sure some of the new Rare abilities coming in the update will be usable by hybrids, since Vetex said that some Rare moves would be obtainable as early as level 30, and if that’s true then Knights would be completely left out, and Conjurers and Warlords would be missing content.


1.8k players did not read the rest of the thing at all and just saw 3rd weapon skills

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bro this is exactly what im thinking whenever i play the storyline as a villain

like we can commit some absolutely heinous acts outside of the story and morden and iris are just like "oh dw abt it our morals arent THAT strong :smile: " we can get away with anything

The only reason WoM was laggy like it was the AI for the NPCs mixed with Roblox and vetex’s less than efficient coding.

Reading through the Trello post I think it probably would require larger islands to be made in the nimbus sea.

It happening in Redwake, Cirrus, Palo, Shell and Ravenna makes sense but I feel like Frostmill might be too cramped for additions such as that.

However reconsidered that makes me remember that vetex is practiced and very good with making generation such as this.

in my defense ive never plundered a castaway ( well i did it once and felt bad )

i do kill everything that moves and steal stuffs tho…

You can kill castaways if you break the platform they are clinging onto

I wonder if island relations will mean we might not have to wear a disguise at ravenna. If not, possible unique ravenna accessory is still good

warrior doesn’t have a whole lot of exclusive content right now besides vindicator, adding a few 3rd skills would incentivize going for it for something other than the meta

ah yes then it can become a new meta with the same 3 weapons that have 3rd skills

do you see the problem

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but vindicator is extremely broken still

The aoe it has is huge, and being a rare weapon means it gets pretty high base damage

i would prefer entirely new weapons to make people grind for better stuff


i don’t think vetex would prioritize 3rd skills for already meta weapons, and a 3rd skill wouldn’t be guaranteed to be good, just another option