Reminders for AO (Part 3)

Well . . Yea, it doesn’t affect them directly of course given that they’re changes for the current skills we have.

We dunno which wep types are going to get their third skills (which honestly seems like all of them), and what they do.

  • They could be a further nice step up of current skills
  • Be potentially utility based like leap or airstep
  • Or be practically ineffective like quick draw on bows. Though i personally doubt this potentially happens.

This is where me posting those two images and the point i was trying to present.

These changes allow it where these two specific weps might not even be meta really anymore. As it becomes more reasonable to use katana and iron staff, as currently kai and greenwhich staff are objectively better.

Im mostly in whatever goes atm, i personally think both should be added though.

Writing at 2 am moment. Brain slowing down.

I mean im just making one final quick response, not going to really talk about it further than this.


Ur more than free to make a topic about it though. It does have some room for discussion.

As someone who doesn’t use weapons, new weapon skill would probably take less time and make other items easier to get. However new weapons would be more interesting and add more content to the dark sea itself. I don’t want to vote though as i want the people who are actually affected by this to have their say

they’re still objective upgrades tho? the changes to staff apply to iron staff as well, and uncommon weapons are still higher in base damage.

all of the weapons changed would still be in the meta even after and depending on what gets what third skill this update, and to show this, here’s a list of all the uncommon+ weapons that can get access to third skills

Click this i'm not flooding this channel more


Since its also probably going to be a poll on vetcord cuz of this goddamn number difference in votes (2 is the 3rd weapon skills), I’m expecting the weapon types with rare weapons to be voted.

since it’s also only 2-4 weapon types that get this third skill, warrior is still going to be exclusively the meta weapons just now with 8-9 skills instead of 6.

I don’t check profiles a lot of the time for things, sorry

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yes, vindicator is quite capable of achieving third skill when going warrior route

Its fine~


I kinda have a hunch that vetcord people voted 3rd Weapon Skills with the mindset of hybrids being able to use them along with rare weapons still being exclusive to Warriors


I don’t think vetex is gonna lower the stat requirement on weapon skills

Weapons dont have full moveset, and yet they still better than mages lmao

Imagine being blessed with the ability to harness the elements and training said blessing for most of your life, only to get utterly wrecked by a dipshit with an oversized knife.

i said i dont plunder, never said i didnt kill any :wink:

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Even worse if that person has magic but ditched it in favour of beating you to death with a club

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Mages will see you chop their arm off with a katana taken from the powerful commodore kai of the grand navy and say “He hath not the magic to summon a spell.”


As mage main, here’s a secret:

If you want to defeat mage, you need to cut off their limbs. Even tho they will regenerate with healing potions or they may have magic limbs (in which case arcanium or wave magic will work the best), it still will make them unable to cast any kind of spell, as all of their spell are required somatic action in order to be cast.

Some think that if you cut their tongues off (verbal component) it will stop them from casting spell, but its kinda false. Somatic is the main component of the spell, while verbal is just accessory.

just pin them against the wall and [content has been removed due to a violation of the rules] style, no movement and verbal words :+1:


Cool fun fact: mages do not need limbs to cast spells, i have tested

Why can’t someone do that to me :sob:

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:camera_flash: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Youre forgetting the sunken sword btw

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Considering we have really only two bonafide rare weapons (one of you don’t count sunken as one) I really hope we get more rare weapons since that would also benefit hybrids a lot more.

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What a surprise…completely didn’t see this feature coming.