Reminders for AO (Part 3)

At that time, Vetex was moving. So yeah it took its time

Moving houses only paused development for about 3 days, didnā€™t it? I donā€™t remember there being a major halt.

Donā€™t know, took a week for me. Because you need to:
Package your ā€œpossessionsā€
Transfer them to your new home
Unpack them

(I wrote that with Deepl 'cause Iā€™m pretty tired)

I hope itā€™s rare stuff that way testers have plenty of time for balance

Me voting combat things (assume thereā€™s a gif here)
Also me knowing I wonā€™t be able to use them because my stat points are badly placed:

just reset them

Donā€™t want to farm for a 100 hours to get Prometheus acrimony

truly thought 65 of these would be in another topic
nope, only 7

So close, yet so farā€¦

the only ā€œ____ moved _ messages to ____ā€ was the 7 messages one

more rare spells, tech, and weapons makes the most sense going right off the back of the dark sea, but considering we have three redacted options, who knows

He wants to meet the September Deadline


he ainā€™t done for today

likely not by a long shot jesus fu thereā€™s like 7-8 hours left? what the hell is he just gonna

yeah heā€™s just gonna

dear lord man

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participation trophy


badge desc could definitely be better

rather it be something like ā€œYouā€™ve entered the Dark Sea, the magic polluted and insanity ridden territory that spans the space between sea clustersā€ than a literal tutorial to leave


ā€œgreat, you got hereā€¦ā€

ā€œGET OUT.ā€

"This badge is earned when you first venture into the dark seas, a perilous storm of chaotic magic energy that surrounds the entire sea cluster, it is recommended you have a well prepared ship before going far in.

Where there is great danger, there are great rewards."

I hope thereā€™s gonna be a badge for surviving a trip to the far reaches, or the farthest possible range at least

There was a badge planned for surviving for 40 minutes with your whole crew so