Reminders for AO (Part 3)

I wanna guess all the god sails are the dark sea exclusive sails

all right, imma be honest, if you cannot dye the sail patterns to get the color you want then itā€™s gonna be impossible lol

you can

The S.S Merlot

The S.S Merlot is real


Wait weā€™re getting the Corsair pirate sail by the looks of it.

ohhhh so thats why my claws were funky

prob over 5500, 1500 that we have currently + 1k dark sea exclusive ones we donā€™t know about

he made a whole announcement abt how beast instinct is fucked up rn lmao

wait whats the problem with it then?

A Roblox update did something to Beast Instinct (both with the weapon and General Argos) that makes it fling players when used. Issue is the flinging applies to players who didnā€™t use it.

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The running gag of the Dark Sea update

i mean, it does also sometimes fling the players using them if they stand on a ship lol.

also some other stuff flings you, cargo can do it. really hope vetex finds a fix to this.

Ngl not knowing stuff about the game is probably the most fun thing, when I found out on my own palo town was revamped it felt awesome

I got flinged by a whale earlier

at some point you become so knowledgeable about the game that things just donā€™t feel like a surprise anymore

Well itā€™s a good thing that there are still some things in the dark sea update that we know nothing about

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yeah thatā€™s honestly why itā€™s so great that the dark sea is being kept secretive


I mean the bug fits with the dark sea

I mean, if itā€™s not already in the game, he could make sky islands in the Dark Sea