Reminders for AO (Part 3)

He said he would maybe make Dark Skies

to be honest, yeah. imagine finding sirens all on your own without any knowledge on them?

Merlot has become 10% easier

Would be cool if they affect the player’s vision or do something to the player without attacking. Because their trick will only work once, and only on those players who don’t know anything about them

some things i could think of is when around them we get pulled to them a bit. or maybe even funnier our crew members start going off the ship to go towards them.

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That would be a cool thing

Literally minecraft ice and fire

well i am not a very original person

I actually dont really know what sirens are other than that they exist, lucky me :slight_smile:

Beast Instinct was always his easiest attack for me, so if anything it’s harder.


Okay so they basically will not despawn and continue to chase me even if I go far away?

That makes me wonder… can I aggro a siren and lead it ALL THE WAY to the bronze sea?

and even funnier, can I make it 1v1 commodre kai?/Merlot? maybe even carina or cernyx?

Make it 1v1 Calvus

That would be interesting as calvus is one of the enemies that you can’t really get other npcs to fight.

holy cow

aristaeus, we have a new mission

make an army of sirens battle against the calvussy :flushed:

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tbh why is vetex saying fixed when he’s making the issue worse, my man, i don’t need the souls of the dead following me for the end of the world, acting like i killed their entire family, even if i only did like 50 damage.

arcane odyssey npc’s after i did 50 damage to them:

(i basically killed their entire family and spit on their corpses)

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that one siren tormenting me when Commodre Kai, the red sabre, walks into the fight (I led the siren to fort silverhold)

Did you lead them to fort talos or silverhold? gotta make up your mind.

Isn’t it called “fort silverhold” ingame? or am I suffering from some kind of mandela effect.

It’s silverhold :sob: