Reminders for AO (Part 3)

that is true, very true, but sadly it definelty still has some early access stuff in terms of just annoying stuff or whatever. like STILL NOT BEING ABLE TO RESPAWN SHIPSS AAAAHHHHH (or more fairly that literally cannot have a reason to not have been added yet, stuff like hiding chat and player list)

especially for chat and player list i’m so suprised it just hasn’t been added yet tbh, can’t be that hard can it?

Player list is not that thing that needs to be hidden, its very important to see it

really need to know my bro walter white still here with us

hide everything when in the darksea. You are alone, you and your crew braving a place that wants you dead and you have no contact with anyone in the outside world.

True, game is very game sometimes as I like to say.

Agree, but you won’t be alone, theres always huge as red friend with u

Well the player list is hidden when you are in the dark sea


and your crew. Unless they all die…

The huge red friend will make sure they die

Clifford the big red dog is in the next update?!?!?!?!

Since you have a crew member at every cannon as the crew dies the cannon that that crew member was manning stops functioning with the fire cannons button. Deckhands, being immortal ,makes them more useful since their canons can’t stop working.

Nah alpha white eyes

No, cannons working if you have crew equipped in shipyard, they do not need to be alive

it doesn’t make sense and it would give more reason to keep them alive.

I know that does not make any sense, and Im sure its like this just bc early access

people will be wilding when they see my morocks greatsword cosmetic

Don’t really understand greatsword popularity, why not to use greataxe instead?

hell no bro, morock sword stands above all.
held by the most powerful users

Another time roblox likes to fuck up Vetex’s games

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