Reminders for AO (Part 3)

This could be locking blast but renamed to javelin, I assume It would impale the user and said javelin would pulsate harmful magical energy while it is impaled on them, or something.

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iā€™m assuming its a low aoe blast with insane clash rates

That kind of makes it suitable for conjurers then, maybe Vetex is adding rare spells/techniques/weapons for hybrid builds?

(Though that kind of sounds boring in paper if it really is just that, thatā€™s just the trident throw but magic)

Why do I have a feeling this spell is gonna be a lot similar to Calvusā€™s spawning javelins that surround him and then barrages you with it after like him using three moves?

AKA this:


I want javelin to be like this

Spear with huge aoe at the end

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hope not, its lameā€¦ then again, its just a rare spell so maybe it wont be too special

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My lightning conjurer can become vergil with this one :fire:

Agree, thats gonna be simular

Havenā€™t you forgot about storm magic? However, magic stat requirement for lost magics on trello is 600, prob its outdated unfo

Lightning is the closest right now, i will definitely get storm magic when itā€™s out though

As the one mastered grinding and pve, Im planning to get a lot of these magic and spell scrolls and just trade them, I donā€™t need them by being vitality user

me too tbh

I was thinking but the flight spell might just be the Calvus flying/tp thing

It might just be dodge reflex

Canā€™t wait to get ekrix, but it would be better if vetex has checked the vitality topic for spirit weapons ideas and has added them alongside ekrix

He has plenty of ideas he just doesnā€™t want to add them yet cause itā€™s time consuming and dull to do

So all these vitality topics have no use? I have seen many of players having vitality ideas, no of them has reached mineā€™s lenght though

Im sure they arent useless, its not like Vetex cant read them when he finally decides to make Vitality stuff

Well thereā€™s a lot of vitality ideas, since itā€™s not out yet. But if he wants more ideas, heā€™ll probably also ask for other builds and not just vitality