Reminders for AO (Part 3)

Heres an incredibly unique idea, 3rd weapon skills


Third Weapon skills might be gas or ass tho

Meanwhile greataxe: just look what they need to have a glimpse of our power


I can show if someone interested

Yeah im interested where can I find that

“What are you ideas for vitality”, 149th reply

Don’t you have a link?

I don’t think posting this link suits this topic, its reminders for ao after all, not a vitality topic

I had the same exact thought!

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really hoping for this tbh, sounds really fun, and might have some good ways to interact with other stuff then

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No way they added my RBO spell

Imagine it’s just spear/trident throw as a spell

That would be hilarious

rare techniques better be good, axe slash is litteraly just a blast

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Hopefully we get.

1 Rare Spell/Technique for pure magic and fighting builds
1 with low enough requirements for hybrid builds.
and 1 with low enough requirements for savants.

Same would apply to the new weapons.

this would be great for synergies and inflicting stuff like frozen and snowy

wouldn’t that just be like a regular trident shape blast tho

New weapon skills actually

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a ranged technique on a rushdown/melee class, sounds good enough to me

I think it would more funny if you had to do a runup before throwing it