Reminders for AO (Part 3)

devilish smile

javelin has shapes

That means either shapes are quite an important part of it/function sort of like the different types of explosion spell or the level requirement for javelin is less than 30 magic

That or it has different scaling for some reason

maybe it is the first rare spell to have 30 magic requirement, though this implies we could have Ult Art Shaped Javelin with 250 Mages like Explosions

Nah its a projectile that sticks to opponent and terrain and then doing continious dmg

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new shit for strength!!!


Why I have a weird feeling of turning into a ball on wind mage munera football tournament?

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surge + wind mage + kb through spells
hm yknow what i might switch back to wind mage (again)

My wind mage is gonna be insane now…

no you run freeze not a true max kb wind mage :pensive:

You know if this was a proper intensity knockback gem thingy than wouldn’t it be cool to use it to fire people off into each other (preferably a berserker or a metal wizard specialized in Close Quarters Combat, or maybe even an explosive barrel holder) or a launchpad through the dark sea.

6 rares in update finna go celestial

honestly I think dark sea might be delayed to some time in october with how much stuff thats being done

Wait, 6?
2 rare spell
2 rare techniques
some 3rd skills for weapons, no?

I hope there will be more than 2 weapons with 3rd skills added, maybe rapier, staff, sword, claws and dagger?

Don’t all the basic weapons (non-old ones)
have avaliable third skills?

yep, and they’re all only at 170 weapon stat (conj and warlord will have half of what every other build gets)

funniest part is because the level cap is 135, they still won’t get access to these either, meaning they have to pray rare weapons are added otherwise they have less than every other class still :DD

You see conjurers and warlords also have these customizeable things called magic and fighting styles that they can mix up with weapons to get more moves in total
Warriors on the other hand have only 6 moves no matter what you do right now
I think its fair he gives warriors more acessible moves rather than just slapping on another rare weapon