Reminders for AO (Part 3)

counterpoint: warlocks have both customizable things and are getting BOTH SIDES THIS UPDATE

i have also already gone over this many times in the other topic but we dont need this split again

yes the answer is rare weapons >>> 3rd skills in case anyone was wondering

3rd skills are better, cry, we make it closer to all 5 weapon skills


I think theres no need for me to interrupt ur with my eternal “when spirit weapons” phrase

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brain went to sleep but yeah third weapon skills

Cry me a river, take it somewhere else

Why did you mention it, you just summoned 10 bot replies into this topic from thin air by doing so. We need to ban the word “3rd Weapon Skill” and “Rare weapon” from this topic to ensure automatic response systems don’t fill up this thread.

Wait wdym theres bots on the forum? (Other than like discobot or whatever)

i am actually a bot

wmdrayal died in a motorcycle accident last yeah and the FUCK ( Forum United Consciousness King ) assigned me to take over their account and pretend to be them

i think i did a good job as no one has noticed this yet


why cant i make acronym this good when im writing


Maybe its because you always acted like a bot anyways >:)


i am required to tell you that we should stop here

it’s pretty good but the K for King sucks

though warlocks will get to choose only to have rare techniques or rare spells since the split is 160 110. and you need 160 in either stat to get that skill.

yeah im out out of idea, would have make it Forum United Consciousness Kingdom but it doesnt really make sense ( unless consciouness is plural ig )

you forgot that some rare techniques/spells will have low requirement

we don’t know the requirements for the new techniques or spells

If none of them were usable by hybrids that would be so stupid and self-defeating.

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We got a teaser for how javelin looks and the person with it has lightning on them, and iirc, auras aren’t available for second magics, so therefore it’s more likely sailor fist’s effect