Reminders for AO (Part 3)

Yep, I’m maining the Dragonfires.

“oh these look so cool i can’t wait to use the-”
Dragonfire carronades, implying that they will have no range
“Nevermind then.”

the cannonade part also implies they hit like a truck

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just like a dragon!

You are so talented bro

it’s wonderfully done but imagine everything looking rather roblox-y including the other cannons and then you open a chest and a photorealistic dragon cannon dramatically floats out of it

Counterpoint: What’s more funnier than telling a ship to go fuck themselves before enveloping them in fire

Sidenote: God I want these to have an arcanium form so bad just so I can cover people in explosions or ash inside of simply fire.

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AO’s art style is pretty wacky already why not go ham?

…is it? it looks pretty damn well like a roblox game to me

I mean still it can be goofy at times. For example I always found the Revenna armor sets to stick out like a sore thumb.

yea vetex usually takes roblox catalog stuff and retextures them but now hes got w modelers


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After two random dudes teaming up on me and shooting down my carronaded caravel a few times without directly fighting me, I have realised culverins are worthy using

Vitality users are subhumans






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Yeah i have no idea, we will have to wait for the showcase

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Maybe it’s like a sumo or greek-martial art grapple and throw?

I think it could be a counterattack.