Reminders for AO (Part 3)

So now we can change the boxing gloves

A region of Crete ā†’ Crete is known for the Minotaur and the Minoans

Im gonna guess itā€™s a Minotaur/Minoan related FS skill, doesnt have to be related to WOM Minotaur or a reused move of WOM Minotaur

Clearly the ability just creates an entire labyrinth, seems reasonable

duh, made by Dedalus

Theres only two his moves suitable for strenght route bc they donā€™t use his Vastira: bull charge and melee kick, though Selino name doesnā€™t match any of these

And donā€™t forget AO is centuries before WoM, mino hasnā€™t even born yet

wom has actually been decanonised, mino will never be born

Mino will never be born if we will go on Vastus Genocide.


I donā€™t rlly understand why it is not canon

I want that drippy steel greataxe from frostmill secret location for this

And mino himself said his race is dead now, so even if we will do genocide he will still be

Dont remember him saying that his race died, but i remember him saying that heā€™s 1/4 vastus or smth

ā€œMany people think my body size is just a result of hard training, but I am actually part Vastus. They were an old race of giants that died off long ago, but even a small amount of Vastus blood makes humans much bigger than usual.ā€ - one of his quotes when chatting as criminal

ā€œWe vikings know a secret technique that can boost oneā€™s strength by a lotā€¦ and it even works on magic-users. However, even I am not strong enough to learn it yetā€¦ maybe some day.ā€ - maybe you were right and this new technique is related to mino

So his race DID get wiped out

We will ask metal meta mages about it later

What? I didnā€™t do anything, but if I did they would deserve it (Turk energy)

After revamp, I have planned to go water+metal as I wanted in wom, but after I realised theres meta, im changing metal to glass

vetex didnā€™t like the lore it had or something


AO will have some planetary-type shit at the end of a game, that will affect all seas(probably) including Seven Seas with their work-in-progress Magius