Reminders for AO (Part 3)

Execute the Angel

Elevate the Arena

Munera fixing quest and or flying the island into the sky and expanding the cirrus empire

Vetex must not have updated this yet :skull:
Hopefully the testers remind him before release.

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huh, vet put that sfx i found for that one cutscenes i made for shits n giggles


Somewhy this reminds me spartans with their shields and pilums, Is there more suitable shape for javelin? Bronze legion drip users would love this

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I think that wouldn’t work

wonder how laggy explosion surge will be

hold on does surge clashing mean beam struggles?

Welp I have an idea of what the new sound is then. Nice!

Ash mages users:

we’ve got our silent tower destruction equivalent

Eeeeeee Sea Aaaaa
Trust me im right


literally just heavy smokers

My ash warlock isn’t a smoker (tho he can’t use surge so…)

As mage im saying I can do better

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As long as I can blast people, lags doesnt matter


8 posts were merged into an existing topic: New surge sneak

Could be something but also I don’t see any mention of the regular dark sea ship battle theme so it could be that. Maybe they have a special name that is secret

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