Reminders for AO (Part 4)

Reduced the efficiency?? Like it was useful anyways (except ofc in builds based around it).

It was bugged wasnt it?? its even more useless. And who the fuck did that surge thing? That’s the only reason you use surge

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for context balance team actually asked for it to be buffed but become additive, looks like vetex did a vetex again

The change that was asked was to make it Additive instead of Multiplicative but buff it’s effeciency to 125%

I can finally win surge clashes

ok that was unnecessary, especially the dropoff. Surge was nerfed enough

GG boys surge is useless now.

This really giving me pulsar deja vu

ermmm you got it wrong…


Curses, gone are the days of air stalling with spirit blast

i wish vet left this in (it would be so awesome, it would be so cool)

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At long last, the item balancing that has been around since Dark Sea release (v1.14.13 i think) or so has finally been added. Still some more to go but it’s finally here!




this is acceptable (i heavily disagree with the sunken nerfs)


not sure if this got here yet

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It also isnt awarded sometimes from opening chests or doing charts

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