Adventure story deserves to become a finished game
Weird thing to change. Why 40%?
Yeah that’s weird, if they have 40% hp they’re slow enough for you to sink them.
good that he’s saying which changes are experimental now
Nerfed the heal farts and fixed the building lag, thank you vetex I never should’ve doubted you.
the arcane odyssey memory leaks jokes have fallen, billions must resort to actually clever humor (vetex isn’t holding me at gunpoint to say this I swear)
can we add a lets fucking go emote
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(complete sentence)
still 2
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no more fish sandwiches yay
I’m gonna love it when full release drops, and against the plasticky characters and cuboid islands, we have hyperrealistic bears.
Hopefully they fit the style of the player models, but if they don’t, it’d be funny.