Reminders for AO (Part 2)

my theory is that weapons work differently, since after first awakening they use energy.
Plus curse users in the war seas are trusted warriors of various kingdoms, so its unlikely that they rebel and become outlaws.

I have a feeling it’ll be mostly the lower ranks that use only weapons, higher level soldiers will probably have a randomized build and there might even be a curse user near the head of the GN.

Npc pirates kinda work in a similar way where ones under level 20 only fight with a single weapon while most of the other ones have a randomized stat build


wait what


where’d you see that?

I remember him saying something like that, I think it was a while ago tho

Found it


hm, alr i didnt see anything like that on his discord

oh, sad

but he did say that we’d be getting a combat video soonish, and then he later went on to say that it would be a couple months, imo it feels like a missed opportunity to not showcase at least 1 fighting style



Vetex literally said he would, he changed his mind. He said he wouldn’t a while ago

That’s a nice argument there, but why don’t you back it up with a source.

He said it somewhere on this topic I don’t feel like searching for it right now

Nevermind, give me a few minutes

I voted fighting styles purely for wishful thinking


I already sent it

Yeah, I’m saying many messages after that he mentioned he would

Ohh alr

Well I looked far and wide and I guess he never said that, I swear I he did though, or at least something that made it seem like it

Oh well


Wait no fighting style sneaks, why the fuck would he do that??