Reminders for AO (Part 1)

rough sea leak also


Rough seas goated :ok_hand:

you guys completely ignored this


i figured it was a rough sea

The harvest is plentiful this year

i assume this is the forest of cernunno

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i mean it could be but i don’t see any shallow parts

Why they all got “the salty” as their title?

(damn, to late :pensive:)

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It’s almost as if it’s a shot of the higher parts

I wonder what Rowboats going through that looks like, does the water just clip through you? (yes I know Rowboats would get like 3 shot but lets say it has endgame stability)

Lil bit late bro


damn :pensive:
It was worth a shot

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i would assume it would go up and down

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If it does, I really hope Rough Sea waves do scale in size with the intensity of it

Following Reminders for AO was a fabulous mistake



They’re Arcane Reborn players :yawning_face:

behind the guy theres shallow parts

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