Remove Endlag From Blocking + Instant Hit/Beam attack buff

Remove Endlag From Blocking + Instant Hit/Beam attack buff
effort 1.5 2 quality 3.0 1 reasonability 0.0 0

I’m not sure if blocking is ever planned to be reworked, but if it isn’t, I think blocking endlag should be removed or at least parrying endlag should be removed.

After landing a parry, the game should automatically “unblock” you, so you can quickly go for another attack.

Beam attacks, such as beam, shot, piercing shot, should ignore all synergies)maybe not magic beam though?). Before you start getting angry in the comments, don’t you think this is only fair? It would make things like Devastate and Tempest to be more bearable to fight against since all you could do to counter before was use a TP dash like SoS or use a placed explosion(minimal damage)

Beams could bypass all synergies, but if they come into contact with a losing synergy, they’ll lose the AOE(so if the attack was going to hit the enemy anyway it’ll still deal dmg, but if the AOE was going to hit, it won’t)

My guy, having the player automatically stop blocking after a parry is going to mess with a lot of people when fighting Calvus. I think that after a parry, unblocking should be instantaneous after the player releases the button, but the player should not be forced to unblock after

I don’t really have anything to say on the PVP side of the parry buff, however bosses would definitely need to be reworked. They just randomly block and parry so if you buffed it they would become harder for no reason. Bosses blocking and parry need a rework anyways though, regardless if this suggestion gets in the game.

For your beam buff suggestion: I think you mean clashing instead of synergies. Because if you removed all synergies then they would become worse. I’ll be honest, I thought beams and hitscans already bypassed clashes but if they don’t then I suppose it’s fair that they do. But I’m pretty sure that FS shot isn’t a hitscan so it doesn’t make sense for it to bypass clashes. You could always lower the clashing power of AOE weapons moves btw.

multiparry exists so it wouldnt work

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