Remove or massively increase character limit for suggester application

I was trying to apply but was unable to finish my 1st suggestion due to a 270 character limit.

Considering that 2 suggestions are needed to apply for the role could the limit be increased to something much higher such as 1000-2000?

Oof that is pretty short

@Meta @Artanaris

Make a Google doc

When you create a suggestion just make one suggestion and post it

its gonna be in the inbox system and you can make a second reply

though yeah it’d be nice for a 4,000 characters increase

wtf how do you apply for suggester :fearful:


ic :fr:

how long does it usually take for moderators to respond to an application?

You need to have Trust Level 2 (Member) to apply to suggester.

idk it let me apply anyway. so how long?