Remove sharks from the game

I do not believe sharks (and by extension, sea monsters) have contributed a single thing to our society. They’re annoying to kill as their glitchy behaviour makes them run around like an autistic kid after downing 3kg of sugar, they do a shit ton of damage, the shark hunting weapons are as effective as putting a plaster on a decapitated head as they’re too slow to ever hit a tiny shark, and too weak to kill a sea monster. you can’t even see underwater while holding them (but you can as a captain) so it’s impossible to even hit sea monsters 90% of the time). and for ALL that, what do you even get? You get ONE regeant for a middling potion :skull: poison tooth dagger is the ONLY good shark drop, and it’s borderline impossible to get because of how absurdly rare poison jaws is by itself, then you have to SOMEHOW kill it with a sharkhunting weapon to guarentee the drop. Meanwhile you’d need to kill 10 white eyes for a SINGLE power potion, and invisibility is useless outside of running past sirens (invisibilty 1 achives this) so the obulus is borderline useless too. They also give combat tag, which makes no sense? How tf is this shark lowering my bounty, it’s a SHARK? Does the grand navy has a shark translator? Do AO sharks have opposable thumbs and the ability to read? I don’t fucking think so.

In summary, i believe sharks have contributed nothing to this game, except for frustration. It’s truly been an arcane travesty experiencing sharks.

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I will tear you LIMB from LIMB


if you put Brisk or maybe Ardent on ship weapons the reload time becomes 0 making them fire as fast as you can click.

nah aint no way

someone posted an image somewhere, I don’t got it though

have you realized this isnt even a fucking suggestion

i know, i cant apply for it because the suggestions thing doesnt work cuz i cant fit 2 suggestions into the tiny ass box
this is all the space u get wtf

yeah the suggestion box is annoying, you have to summarize what you want to suggest to a crazy degree. Yet I got in by wanting to suggest fox ears…

fox ears is a good suggestion

simply parry

stan sharks

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:shark: :shark: :shark:

that is the most clever usage of potions i’ve ever seen

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:shark: :shark:


and some whales too :whale: :whale2:

blud found the rare circular sea curse