Remove the automatic closure on suggestions

Or increase the time the posts have at least.

Why is it even there? It’s not like people can keep bumping their posts just to get more votes or attention, and noticed or already posted suggestions could simply be closed by a moderator.

I don’t really think anyone would make hexillion accounts just to vote on their suggestion either, like come on, even if someone made 10 accounts, that’s still only 10 votes.

If there was at least more time, or some way to reopen a suggestion, people could discuss it further and update the suggestion to fit the game’s agenda more.

Then people would never get their votes back. I feel like 4 days is enough for a post to be seen by most people.

I mean yeah but then comes the question of why the vote limit is even a thing.

To make people decide on what suggestions are more important than others?
Well yeah, but then some suggestions that also deserve a vote aren’t going to get it, and bad suggestions wouldn’t get votes in the first place.

I agree and disagree because disagreeing makes sense while agreeing makes no more sense than disagreeing not agreeing.

Would be better if there was a like/neutral/dislike system inplace for suggestions probably

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If you like the suggestion, vote. If you’re neutral, don’t vote. If you dislike it, don’t vote then comment why.

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The problem is if you explain why you don’t like a suggestion it bumps that suggestion so it can get more votes and then also some guilds do things like post a suggestion and make an announcement saying to support it just so it gets more exposure and then nobody can dislike it so that’s always a plus for its votes. Even the magius herald has a suggestion of the week or something in their newspaper.

Personally I think it’s fine, we got way enough suggestions open at the same time already and 4 days is totally fine to do any kind of discussion about it, plus it stops any drama that starts without it lasting for a week

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If a few shitty suggestion manages to get a lot of votes, it doesn’t matter. Vetex simply won’t implement it.

Yeah but on the other side of the spectrum there are suggestions that may be better but don’t have those advantages and so get ignored

Enough people check “new” for all new suggestions to be seen by a lot of people. If a suggestion is actually good, it will get votes.

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There is a vote limit just for the same reason there is a like limit. With limited resources you are forced to pick the only ones you like. We have the topics close so that 1. Votes are returned to users. 2. so that inactive suggestion posts are closed.

This will not be changed.

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