Remove the damage reduction from vitality

Remove the damage reduction from vitality
effort 2.5 2 quality 3.0 2 reasonability 4.833333333333333 6

As of right now, vitality, to put it simply, feels more like a trade-off than a stat.

It really doesn’t make sense as to why vitality shouldn’t be able to deal as much damage as other builds, seeing as vitality isn’t buffing any damage, and sure they’re bulkier but they also have less skills compared to things like a mage or a conjurer and so on.

Like this “you get and you lose” treatment seems so unfair considering no other stat has any form of penalty and all of those other stats can arguably be considered to be really difficult to fight against too.

This is honestly like saying “Oh well magic stat should weaken your movement abilities” it just ruins the stat for no reason whatsoever and makes the game less enjoyable overall.

The proposal to fix this? it’s simple.

remove vitality damage reduction entirely.

It seems a good enough trade off that vitality builds have less skills compared to the other stats, in exchange for having higher bulk and spirit weaponry, which by the way, drains HP, so it’s still relatively fair to fight against.

I hope that this actually is comprehendible to you guys or this is just me going on an unhinged rant that nobody will care about but do consider it.

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the reasoning is that losing snare is fucking miniscule as a con compared to having 600 more hp


right, but spirit weapons are going to drain that HP, so is it really that bad?

also mages can do much, much more crazy shit…

we’ve all been witness to the madness of a mage…

I bet they’ll still be good post v1.12 ngl

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And since pulsar aint gonna be used much if at all, imagine fighting this mage but they just have an extra 400 hp

paladins honestly will have much less abilities compared to that of a mage

you’re forgetting how paladins cannot use shapes, or snare, which tbh, kinda sucks anyways, or not even access to the aura spell I believe.

(correct me if I’m wrong about the aura spell)

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ok, but shapes aren’t really that much of a factor compared to as I said, taking 1-2 more hits (plus health regen)

I don’t think health regen is gonna be a thing for vitality builds :sleeper:


paladins CAN use aura with a 100v 150m stat split


oh okay

Still they can’t use shapes or pulsar really (even though it got mega nerfed now) so that’s something

Absolutely. You lose energy, you lose damage, and you lose a huge chunk of your moveset to gain… the same effect as wearing a Hard Defense Amulet.

This should be removed come the introduction of Spirit Weapons, but should absolutely be implemented until then.

Paladin has no Shapes, no Ultimate Arts, and no Pulsar. You can’t even change the type of Explosion you use on your second magic.

Juggernaut has no Embodiments, no Ultimate Arts, and no Axe-Slash. You get pretty much nothing but Crash from your second Fighting Style.

Knight loses access to Warrior’s AoE due to being forced down a tier, and does not get many of the weapons that make Warrior strong. Not to mention the horrific damage.

Please, for the sake of the few Vitality mains out there, let this get implemented temporarily.


As of right now, Vitality is useless, yes, but dont forget that its basicly lacks route’s feature - spirit weapons.
Like yeah, i can agree that damage reduction is stupid, but knowing that spirit weapons are scaled of vitality, i have mixed feeling about it.

The problem will remain intact even then. Vitality builds would have a way of damage but would make their main source of combat unviable. A paladin should not be forced to use spirit weapons instead of their actual magic. At the very least I think the damage reduction from vitality should be heavily nerfed, as I dont think vetex has thought out the losing of damage after a few level cycles. By level 250 the damage from a vitality build’s magic or fs would be so pityful compared to other builds he would have to nerf the damage reduction anyway. At the very least vitality builds should get a way to buff their damage. Maybe a vitality exclusive armor set, that scales your damage with your health. If you have a full health bar you’ll do quite a bit more damage, but if your healthbar is under half you’ll do less, but still not as low as without the armor.

i like paladin and i want it to be viable

at least let us have our full energy bar

Actually makes vitality worth a damn right now it’s not even worth being called a meme stat it’s just fucking sad.

is it even really a stat? or just more of a penalty?

I think snare in general should be buffed, maybe have it be more like a grab that fires you away, or have it have a small jump distance like rushdown for fighting styles.

honestly imo vit should just be disabled in general rn, it’s just a noob trap atm

I wonder how strong savants who don’t invest in vitality are gonna be

I think it makes sense to remove or reduce the damage reduction on Vitality, but the thing is that, assuming you’re going for an even 125/125 Paladin or Juggernaut build, you’re losing your Aura spell or Focus/Airstep technique in exchange for 500 HP, which are far from equal. Perhaps instead of losing damage, you lose… I don’t know, Speed? When I think of strong or wall-like characters in other games, they are typically very slow to make up for the sheer amount of damage they can withstand.

This also isn’t considering how Spirit Weapons aren’t planned to be worked on until after the game’s full Bronze Sea release happens (which I feel is bizarre at-best, since every non-pure Vitality build is usable right now).

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it’s meant to be a “get the fuck away from me” tool but it’s knockback is ass for that.

which is why the balancing doc is trying to reduce its damage and double knockback