Remove the invisible limit on Attack Range

Remove the invisible limit on Attack Range
effort 4.333333333333333 3 quality 3.666666666666667 3 reasonability 3.25 4

Since the start of the game if you attack someone from too far away, even if the attack hits, it wont register. Attacks in this game have a limit of distance that when crossed, even if they look like they’re hitting a target, they’re not, because there’s a cap that prevents them from dealing dmg, simply put, remove the cap.

  1. I’ve had ship to island fights where we were shooting stuff at each other, yet our attacks weren’t hitting, even if they clearly did, which is weird.

  2. Oh my god let us make light sniper builds, I wanna shoot people from island to island It would be so cool, Imagine being lv 500 and you have a ton of attack speed and you can shoot people from sky islands. Certified Van Augur moment right there. It would be one of the most fun things to do in the game, and leaving people wondering “wait, did someone just attack me? where?”.

Back in AA there was this legendary weapon that would let you do something like this, I remember looking at that and being completely amazed, I want to have that same feeling in AO.

(This wouldn’t let you cheese bosses or actually kill players, first of all the aim would have to be insane just to hit someone once, and since you’re going all out on attack speed, your dmg is lacking).


yeah, I agree


hell yeah
time to play sniper showdown with Maria


Sounds like fun

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i mean at the very least it should be kept for npcs, we dont need a 84727th pve cheese method
…and anyway isnt that a measure against using a kill aura to kill an entire server? why the hell would that be removed


damn, they had to add range limit to prevent yoshi8me from wiping the server when they join in :pensive:

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cap should remain but it should scale with atkspeed

it doesnt really do anything since they could just teleport to you and instakill you

NPCs have an argo range limit for a reason, and this would really only cause annoyance in PVP. While it may sound cool, I don’t really see any major positives to doing this for the game.

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what annoyance in pvp? shots and beams cant go too far and an arrow blast would take seconds to reach its destination before it despawns

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Basically this.

Maybe your attack’s range should be more clear or maybe attack range should be increased, but this adds nothing to the game while potentially making miserable gimmick builds for ganking or duel snaking or whatever. No reason to take a risk with a pointless change.

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