Remus, the Lightning Fist

Guess what, boiz.

I’m going to be making Remus, the Lightning Fist in WoM. I’m also going to be leveling him up.
I did this before, but now I’m making it so it’s as accurate as possible.


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heres a neat extra picture

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isn’t there a " : I " mouth

there isnt an exact face like that

you’re able to switch out the eyes for ones without eyebrows

Thanks, I just did that.

this too

He looks depressed and I don’t know why
Call a therapist man

its cause you didnt keep magic fist in aa >:(

yeah that cause magic fist is useless

thats besides the point

why not go no magic like me? :3

Bruh I also have a lighting profile called Remus with the exact same avatar. what a coincidence