Rename Infamy To Glory

Rename Infamy To Glory
effort 2.75 4 quality 3.8 5 reasonability 4.875 8

Rename Infamy to Glory


Rename the current clan point system from infamy to glory.

Reason to add/change

Infamy is a negative connotation word. When you think of the word infamous, you think of evil. Not all clans are evil.

Glory would be a better word because everyone, evil or good wants glory. Not everyone wants to be infamous.

along with this, you could also rename bounty to infamy, which is the opposite of fame. Bounty can stay as the galleon amount on the board, which doesn’t even represent how much galleons you get from killing someone.
I can’t even think of any arguments for this, as the word GLORY conjures a completely different image in your head than INFAMY


The words here sure do word.

Guess I’m not the only person whose thought this at some point. Sounds like a really good substitute, so sure, though the change is a bit pointless.

Though this is a minor change, it does make a lot of sense and the word glory has a broader definition.

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Why not

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Yeah, along with the agora headlines.

an idea: use glory for clans with a majority of good rep members, and keep infamy for clans with a majority of bad rep players.


Or name it influence

this might be weird with neutral clans though, as they might frequently swap between glory and infamy making it really awkward. i think either a full name change should be done or none at all, preferably the former (but it isnt a big deal to me if it doesnt happen)

Always thought it was weird having clans have infamy when not all of them are bad reps

Truly an words odyssey


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