Rename the person above you but you need to actually change your name

what the title says
you’re allowed to veto 1 option given by another person, but only one
when renamed by another person you are to contact @liu or another mod to change your name
the minimum you need to have the new name for is a week, but if you like it you can keep it forever
gonna veto the first person to respond

edit after closure: how about a new condition: the name of a person can only change if the person is willing to have it changed to the next one.

I rename you to ANamedBoi

guess I should watch this post, huh?

Anyone who tries to name me is getting a veto

oh shnap
someone rename me to macobruh


you’re Rb1 now





hi macobruh



I actually don’t know if the other mods want me doing this tbh :\




