Reply for honest opinion (liùser's edition)

OG topic ^

prepare for a lot of “idk you”

ae ‎


without going into too much detail, you’re super cool and you make me miss marching band (fuck symphonic) and rockin’ the xylophone hhhhh

also i veri much want you to be happy in life and your art is really cool (very psychedelic). u funny af too lmao (annoying tech has been an honor with you)

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i confuse you with @ProjectHR1 a lot and don’t well remember our interactions tbh



i love your memes so much i steal every one you post. good shit

lmfao thanks

you are also super epic person and are one of the reasons I started making art again bc ae

you’re really nice and I hope things go well for you in life and you get to live a happy one

annoying tech with you is funni lmfao

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WhatsApp Image 2020-12-29 at 16.57.45.jpeg

How about me?

| :printer: :desktop_computer: :mariomug: :coffee: |

| :coffee: :frcryin: :phone::desktop_computer::wastebasket: |

Just two guys working at the office, talking to each other across from one another’s cubicle while also drinking a hot cup of Joe. Little do their coworkers know that their Manager Joe isn’t coming to work any time soon...

he went to buy some milk and never came back



i already know

I am currently destroying the fragile state of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and plunging the African continent into more civil wars and fractured countries

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