26 agility is terrible
Bro these dudes are tripping they want everyone to run the same couple of builds like last patch smh
To be honest, I don’t like the Min-maxing aspect. Now, you have to grind to perfect gems and all those fancy exotic enchants otherwise your build is obsolete.
I somewhat miss the good old days, when There weren’t any fancy exotics enchants. I don’t miss the pulsars.
well you kinda still had to grind for perfect gems back then if you wanted your build fully optimised
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
If you don’t want to jewelcraft, pay somebody else to do it for you.
If you don’t especially care for secondary stats then it should be easy to find somebody with perfect jewelcrafting.
if you do care about secondary stat rolls then go do it yourself or prepare for it to be way more expensive.
This isn’t accurate - to my knowledge, nobody has done thorough testing of the “sub-stats” since WoM, and the WoM conclusion was “the function isn’t linear, we have no idea what it is exactly, but for the stat range we have access to (0-150) it’s linear for all practical purposes”.
0.85 * Stat^0.8
If this approximation is still accurate for AO stats, then 200 stats is roughly +60%, and 400 stats is roughly +100%. Having seen 400 casting speed, I think it’s actually an underestimate.
Your “Exact Logarithmic Scaling” thread is based on this incorrect assumption:
And comes to some extremely absurd conclusions. Like, 10 stats is supposedly a 23% bonus (yes, that’s ten stat points), 70 stats is about a 42% bonus, and 400 stats is less than 60%.
Anyone who’s equipped stat boosting gear knows this isn’t even close to being accurate.
really wish vetex could just give us a % ingame instead of us having to guess how much of an effect our stats are having.
I guess if anybody really wanted to test it then they could head over to munera or elysium and use the sqaure arena tiles to figure out AOE, as tedious as that would be given slow inventory loading and terrain destruction.
Nah - it’s practically impossible to get a precise measure of AoE. Visually, explosions and blasts aren’t a fixed size, they expand and shrink as they explode. Also you’d need to account for camera parallax.
If you really want to test it, you spend several hours timing yourself running towards a quest marker. Stand 100m away from a test marker on a flat surface, run in a straight line towards it, time how long it takes for the marker to say 0m. Repeat for as many different values of Agility as you can get using the junk in your inventory.
Then you put the results into excel, and get plenty of repeats because even when using a quest marker to align yourself you’re still going to be slightly off, and the curve of the formula is so subtle you need near perfect precision if you want to actually reverse engineer the formula vetex used and not just produce a list of measured values.
But that would be stupid and I don’t know why anyone would do that.
If someone was stupid enough to do that, they’re certainly not going to do it again, because if there’s one thing I learned from this analysis, it’s that the formula definitely isn’t a vetex masterstroke of mathematics that will work flawlessly until the end of time.
It’s very obvious vetex bodged something together that would hold for a few updates, and plans to just change the formula to reduce the scaling after he adds enough power creep. Regardless of what exactly the formula is, it’s obviously not permanent - it will produce completely broken values once we’re a couple hundred levels higher.
I meant having one square in a corner you aimed at with varying levels of AoE and having a friend stand X squares away from that square in a straight line to figure out the AoE of a 0 stat blast, then repeating for 25, 50, 75, 100, and so on.
attack size is probably the only stat that can be easily measured this way, however, if by doing so somebody could reverse engineer the scaling formula somehow, it would answer the question for every other stat (except intensity I dunno what the hell is happening with intensity)
I could measure agility by using a quest marker
Not only that, it is also way outdated. The formula was changed (maybe even twice) since then in unknown ways.
However innacurate it was, it is now even less (or more?) accurate by an unknown amount.
You’d have to be a lunatic to do something like that. Worse yet, most if not all quest markers now dissappear when you get close, so there is more room for error in your movement.
And thats assuming they went through with it to the end the first time.
But the formula was changed again very recently, and is allegedly a proper log (frfr this time). So the lab rat running these trials would need to be given peanuts (or electrocuted) whenever a change occurs to redo them.
I don’t religiously follow the patch notes, but I must have missed these ones.
I assume vetex didn’t comment on what he actually did?
They don’t disappear, they just get faded.
You can also start at 0m, and run in any straight line until the marker reads 100m.
Fuck off with your “build diversity” it’s far healthier to have only 3 viable build types than THIS type of garbage
bro ur mad cuz were getting more stats lol, cant wait to see how mad u get when story progression comes and level cap increases smh.
and let me elaborate on why this build still gets killed by a skilled hard hitting atk spd user its because using builds like this is waste of power and defense potential, yeah someone with more power and defense will have less atk size but their going to destroy them because they don’t need aoe crutch.
You’re just scared of aoe bro its ok it cant hurt u if u press g and counter with ur much harder hitting attack.
I’m a bit worried how strong the next bosses are going to be with all these stat values. They’ll have to be at least multiple times as strong as Calvus since it’s not rare to see people kill him in under a minute.
The easiest one to measure would actually be attack speed
Take any absurdly slow skill (not a multi hit, they have some properties that make it harder to measure), for example that slam skill on maces and one handed axes.
Measure it’s startup using a recording software of the skill unenchanted at 0 attack speed. Slowly increment attack speed from armor using armor, gems, and enchants.
The percent decrease in startup is found by 1-((x-y)/x), where x is the starting startup time, and y is the modified startup time.
You can then calculate the effective PROJECTILE speed, which is what the attack speed stat directly scales, by multiplying the previous percent decrease in startup time by 2. This is known to be true, and one of the only stat scaling multipliers actually publicly known.
From what i know, all the substats in the game use the same basic coefficients for their conversions, just modified by a scalar “effectiveness”, so using this should be able to get you an approximation for all stats.
no reason but this remind of a movie where superheroes are classified into Heroes and Sidekicks and at the end of the movie one of the Heroes say “lets stop calling them Sidekicks and call them what they truly are: Heroes”
yea, i’ve never really liked the term sub stats, it just feels weird to only have two stats that are actually important while the rest are deemed lesser
If anything, I think higher level caps will be slightly better. As you said, the new dual-stat jewels are a big reason why stats are so inflated now. But unlike all other equipment in the game, jewels don’t scale with levels, so after the level cap rises a few times, the stats we get from jewels will be just about useless. There’s still the issue of exotic enchantments and Dark Sea armor, but it won’t be as bad as it is now.