(Repost kinda) Sub-stat demons,

THIS IS A REPOST, more like a “refined” version as I want to post this to the balancing discord suggestions. Please give your feedback as this is effects everyone and feel free to add more to the things that I’ve missed :stuck_out_tongue:

The current stats go too high and or are too bloated, reduce them

Since the dark sea update released the stat cap has been more than doubled with all the enchants and gems giving twice as much stats, on top of that Atlantean giving 12 power/97 defence/18 sub-stat (36 next patch apparently)

I have 2 main issues to address; sub-stat demons and stat-scaling with level and game progression

At the moment in PVP fighting someone with 90 power, 700 defence and 300 sub-stat is plain absurd, you have people either only running (high agility) or hitting anywhere on the arena and being rewarded for it (high aoe). This really messes with the skill aspect of PVP; movement, blocking, endlag punishing, etc. PVP should not only be who can unleash more attacks and hope to hit, or one party not being able to hit their opponent at all. Balanced builds SHOULD be viable, however with the current stat cap the META is gravitating towards focusing one stat.

160 attack size

Because our current stats are so incredibly high we have no problem taking down level 200+ opponents at level 125. This is only going to get worse as our stats, gear and level increases. I am a bit unsure about this next part since I was not allowed access to the function for stat scaling with level, however was told that it should not be a problem in the future. The stat scaling uses a logarithmic function, meaning that as stats and level increase, the actual stat gain decreases. This has it’s ups and downs as it will decrease powercreep in the future while having a huge problem with it right now. Pre-dark sea gear is just objectively worse.

So what can be done to fix the powercreep and absurd single stat builds we have at the moment?

My suggestion is to reduce the amount of stats current enchants, gems and items give. Exact amount to decrease I cannot give due to lack if info about scaling

The stat-scaling function (more info here The Exact Logarithmic Scaling for Percentile Stats Calculated [Maths])

@WarmWater sorry for ping lol, I just used a bit of what u said and would like some “clarification”

pure builds aren’t drifting into meta, builds with 97 power 600 defence and over 300 other stats are

stop complaining learn to use g and anitcipate attacks, u dont got the grindset fr.

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I’d rather have this than the borderline irrelevant substats that were around before with the only stats that actually mattered being attack and defense.


exactly now we get build diversity

nerf how much EVERY stat is able to get easy solution, we have stats be useful and we avoid mentally ill bloat

bud, have u fought any high atk size and agility that use common sense?

but i love my atk speed

sorry, but 600 defence 96 power near instant attacks isn’t something that should exist at 125

yes, and the fight either ends up with them leaving and running away or if its someone actually pretty good they run atk spd instead of aoe and beat me 7/10 times, but I’m still putiing my build together and haven’t been pvping nearly as much as of lately. I plan on finish making my build once the new secondary gem effects come out with the ds patch thats coming.

since they’re actually good now i feel like we should stop calling them substats, i think every stat should be good enough to be able to be a main one instead of just attack and defence

i actually have 94 power

well congrats, so far i havent meet any pvper that doesnt know how to use their build to the fullest, even the ones with high atk size are annoying but infintly more fun than high agility

you are slacking.


i do have to sleep sometimes

whats your timezone


so the states?

it’s like this strip